Did Adam Evolve?

Russell T. Cannon (rcannon@usa.net)
Wed, 22 Jan 1997 11:00:36 -0600

I am a newcomer to this mailing list. I am Christian with a
pentacostal/charismatic background--currently worship with Messianic
Jewish congregation. I am not a scientist, but I have a great deal of
interest in the topics and issues that are discussed in this mailing

Has anyone recently discussed the possibility that Adam may have
"evolved" from "lower" forms of life? I don't mean to drop a
theological bombshell, but it seems to me that the answer of this
question would go a long way in resolving the apparent disagreement
between the sciences and Christian creationism.

There are a number of possibilities here ranging from Darwinian
naturalism all the way to a sort of supernatural selection. Anyone have
any thoughts on this? or has anyone put forth any theories that can
square with scripture as well as scientific discoveries?

Russell T. Cannon