Baconian science (was: How long?)
Thu, 19 Dec 1996 22:16:24 -0800 (PST)

Steve Clark:

Thanks, Steve, for the overview of Baconian science. I have a question:

Why is it that creationists of the ICR school prefer the Baconian
philosophy of science? With its radical anti-presuppositionism, it
would seem to be a poor match for a group determined that the data
will match a specific set of presuppositions, whatever their form.

Is it because the Baconian version is the 'simplest' and most taught
in grade school, and so they are using something they believe most
people can identify with? Is it that they are unaware how much
Bacon was set against any kind of theoretic input to the data-collecting
and -organizing process? Is it a nostalgia for the good old days
when Bacon and Newton lived and science was a lot 'tamer' than it
is now? What is it?
