Re: pure chance

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
11 Dec 96 12:08:14 EST

Brian, I think you've done an excellent job of sorting out what is and is not
being said about "pure chance." Thanks.

Given all of this, there are two points that continue to surface for me.

First, echoing Denton, there is an intuitive sense that mutationa plus
selection plus time cannot achieve the degree of complexity we observe. This
is why Behe's work resonates with me. [I'm very interested in the Kauffman
stuff, which I understand only on a surface level. How is complexity theory
viewed in the scientific community at large? Is it still too new to have a
strong opinion about?]

Second, we need to keep in mind the negative side of mutational change.
Natural selection theory, I believe, depends too much on the assumption of an
ever upward dynamic. ReMine calls this "naive natural selection," and I think
he has a good point.

Now I'll take a chance of my own and leave off this subject for awhile.
