Re: Morton v. Ross

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
08 Dec 96 17:02:13 EST

A few final points for Glenn.

JB << Why do you confuse nose size with nasal sinus cavity size?

GM << I am not confusing anything. These superficial differences are just

I guess the National Academy of Science is the entity that's confused. The
title to the paper was "Significance of..." nor "Superficiality of..." But you
know those silly scientists, always disagreeing with you...

JB <<Why no mention of "shaman art," the only truly religous art, which is AT
MOST only 27,000 years old?

GM <<Sorry, Science News, Oct. 5, 1996, which you cited, says 33,000 years
ago. You should read more carefully.

I'll accept your admission that it is 33,000 years old. That recent enough for
me. The appearance of truly human, religious art is no older than this. Fine.
Thank you. Hugh will be happy with this concession, too.

<<I, and others view the Golan Venus as the first evidence of religious art.>>

I, and others, question whether this lump is even art, let alone religious
art. Silly us.

Shaman art is consistent with the view that covenant making, God worshipping
man is a sudden, recent event. The idea that he existed 5 myr ago is
completely at odds with the evidence which, even viewed most favorably,
bespeaks only of incipient humanity.

<<Tell me what is wrong with my friends points about the lack of scorch marks
around the flute holes. >>

I'll tell you. When Ross's expert makes a point, you discount it by saying the
guy is somone you never heard of, as if that takes care of the matter. Then
you cite some unnamed friend of yours when it fits your purposes. I was just
trying to show that it's a bit unfair of you to criticize Ross for the very
same thing. And it is.

I, at least, admitted I think your friend made a good point.

<<The whole area of continuity vs replacement is something that is highly

Another good admission. We have plenty of experts on both sides. So how fair
is it to call Ross silly? Again, not very.

<<If a flute made by a Neanderthal won't convince you of their
humanity, then neither will a Bud can. >>

Well, there are those who are convinced that Neanderthals are alive today, and
they drink Bud and listen to Waylon Jennings. Most of them live in Texas, so
they say. (Most of those who believe this are women. Interesting).
