Re: supernatural observation and faith def.

Stephen Jones (
Tue, 26 Nov 96 07:04:02 +0800


On Thu, 31 Oct 1996 08:34:11 -0500, Brian D. Harper wrote:

SJ>And non-theist physicist Paul Davies writes at the very end of his
>book, the Cosmic Blueprint:
>"...there is `something going on' behind it all [the universe]. The
>impression of design is overwhelming." (Davies P., "The Cosmic
>Blueprint", Penguin: London, 1995 reprint, p203)

BH>But what about your earlier $ugge$tion as to the motivation behind
>statements such as this by Davie$?

I did not exactly say that "the motivation behind statements such as
this by Davies" was $$'s. I am sure he is sincere in his belief in
design. Here is what I wrote on 24 Jun 96, commenting on a TV debate
I saw between Dawkins and Davies:

"Davies was almost as disappointing. Although he has written books
which give the impression that he believes in a god of sorts, and
even won a lucrative Templeton prize for religious literature, he was
at pains to disavow any idea that he believed that a personal,
supernatural Creator was responsible for anything. Dawkins made a
good point when he asked rhetorically why, if Davies doesn't believe
in God, he writes books that give the impression that he does?
Davies didn't answer. I could sugge$t an an$wer but that might be
unkind! :-)"

As can be seen, I said it half-jokingly. What I meant to say, picking up
Dawkins point, was why does Davies write books with *titles* that suggest
belief in God, eg. "The Cosmic Blueprint", "God and the New Physics",
"The Mind of God", etc, when he does not believe in God at all?

It seems to me that a plausible answer to such *titles* is-it sells
books and therefore makes $$s. But perhaps that is "unkind", so I
shouldn't have said it.

But by way of part restitution I should say that I think Davies is a
wonderful writer and that I now own 5 of his books! :-)

God bless.


| Stephen E (Steve) Jones ,--_|\ |
| 3 Hawker Avenue / Oz \ |
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