Re: Proving Hitler wrong

David Bowman (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 17:50:57 EST

Among the other things in his last post in this thread Randy L. warns:
> ....
>There are but two classes of people spoken of in the New
>Testament. The "Children of the Devil: whosoever doeth not
>righteousness is not of God." 1 John 3:10. Here all who "doeth
>not righteousness" are classed as "Children of the Devil," and in
>Eph. 2.2 are called the "Children of Disobedience."
>There is no possibility of union between them, therefore there
>cannot be any such thing as the "Brotherhood of Man," ....

For some reason, at this point, I'm reminded of "Barth's Distinction".

David Bowman