Re: Proving Hitler wrong

Randy Landrum (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 14:11:15 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Steve Clark wrote:

> >
> >On Sat, 16 Nov 1996, Steve Clark wrote:
> >
> >> This is also why Randy's claim that all evil in the world since
> >> Darwin can be attributed to evolution, is a similar abuse of what evolution
> >> science can and cannot do.
> Randy responded:
> >The only abuse here is your misquoting. At no time did I make the above
> >statment nor do I believe it.
> Randy, the following quote is from your message that introduced the idea
> that evolution was linked to Hitler. If, above, I mistate your position, it
> is obvious why. You wrote:
> "Evolution is the basic philosophy behind all the evil systems that have
> plagued the world since the days of Charles Darwin."

Yes that is correct but not what you misqoted before. Are you saying you
don't see a difference?

> Then, you wrote to me:
> >Jesus Christ never did condone racism Darwin did! Your example of the
> >racism in evolution being compaired to Christianity in not valid.
> Randy, I never compared "racism in evolution" to Christianity. What I did
> say was that PEOPLE have used both evolution and Christian faith to justify
> THEIR views of racism. This simply is a factual statement. It compares the
> way people have tried to justify belief in racism, it never compares racism
> to Christianity. There is a difference here. I then went on to explain
> taht it does not logically follow that legitimate criticism of the way that
> people use a belief, means that the belief is wrong. I used the example of
> people misusing Christian belief to justify their racist beliefs because no
> one here thinks that this ivalidates the faith.

I think you did here is your message in question:

>The parallel between Hitler and evolution and White Supremacy and
>Christianity simply lies in the way that both Christianity and evolution
>science do not provide the epistemological frameworks on which the racist
>philosophies are based.

There are but two classes of people spoken of in the New
Testament. The "Children of the Devil: whosoever doeth not
righteousness is not of God." 1 John 3:10. Here all who "doeth
not righteousness" are classed as "Children of the Devil," and in
Eph. 2.2 are called the "Children of Disobedience."

There is no possibility of union between them, therefore there
cannot be any such thing as the "Brotherhood of Man," which
popularly understood is the union of all religious bodies and
sects, such as Christians, Jews, Atheists, Unitarians,
Mohammedans, Buddhists, Confucianists, etc., in a Federation of

"Biologically a race is generaly thought of as a variety, or
subspecies, within a given species. In terms of evolutionary
plhilosophy, it may represent a stage in the evolution of a new
species. Thus different sub-species within a species may very in
their respective degrees of evolutionary advance over the
ancestral species, depending upon the relative efficiencies with
which the postulated evolutionary mechanism of mutation,
segregation, natural selection, etc., have been functioning in
each case.

This leads to the observation that racism, in the sense of
struggle between races and the conviction that one race is
superior to others, must be based on evolutionism, not on theism.
Evolutionary scientists may not all be "racist" in their personal
or political philosophies. Neverthless, the various philosophies
that have promoted racism have, quite understadably, used the
supposed universal evolutionary process as their intellectual
framework for such a position. Nazism and Marxism are two notable

The Bible has the answer Henry M. Morris

Christianity is based on creation, Nazism and Marxism are based
on evolution.

"Even if all the evidence ended up supporting whichever
scientific theories best fitted Genesis, this would only show how
clever the old Hebrews were in their use of common sense, or how
lucky. It does not need to be explained by an unobservable God."

-The Southern Skeptic, Vol 2 No. 5 Autumn 1985 (this organization
has similar aims to American humanist groups)

These people who vehemently attack the creation ministry in
saying we are a religious group are themselves a religious group.
They have really said that even if all the evidence supported the
book of Genesis they still would not believe it was an
authoritative document. They are worlking from the premise that
the Bible is not the Word of God, nor can it ever be. They
believe, no matter what the evidence, that there is no God. These
same people are most adamant that evolution is a fact.

`,_` ./.~`-,. "Throughout the hundreds of millions
=,` / 'i '~+=,_ of years the coelacanths have kept
v. . !-. = __. ~\=. the same form and structure. Here is
` ,_. , i`,_'\.- ~e_ one of the great mysteries of evolution"
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