Re: Believing scientists list

Steve Clark (
Tue, 19 Nov 1996 16:30:29 -0600

At 05:13 PM 11/19/96 -0500, Bill Hamilton wrote:
>Randy Landrum posted the following list
>>Here is a list of some of the outstanding Bible-believing scientists who
>>founded the following branches of science:
>>Antiseptic surgery, Joseph Lister
>>Bacteriology, Louis pasteur
>>Calculus, Isaac Newton
>>Celestial Mechanics, Johannes Kepler
>>Chemistry, Robert Boyle
>>Comparative Anatomy, Georges Cuvier
>>Computer Science, Charles Babbage
>>Dimensional Analysis, Lord rayleigh
>>Daynamics, Isaac Newton
>>Electronics, John Ambrose Fleming
>>Electrodynamics, James Clerk Maxwell
>>Electromagnetics, Michael Faraday
>>Energetics, Lord Kelvin
>>Entomology of living INsects, Henri Fabre
>>Field Theory, Michael Faraday
>>Fluid Mechanics, George Stokes
>>Galactic Astronomy, Sir William Herschel
>>Gas Dynamics, Robert Boyle
>>Genetics, Gregor Mendel
>>Glacial Geology, Louis Agassiz
>>Gynecology, James Simpson
>>Hydrography, Matthew Maury
>>Hydrostatixs, Blaise Pascal
>>Ichthyology, Louis Agassiz
>>Isotopic Chemistry, William Ramsey
>>Model Analysis, Lord Rayleigh
>>Natural History, John Ray
>>Non-Euclidean Geometry, Bernard Riemann
>>Oceanography, Matthew Maury
>>Optical Mineralogy, David Brewster
>I vaguely remember hearing that Agassiz was most definitely not a
>creationist and that he resented attempts of some creationists to make his
>views seem to endorse theirs.

That sounds familiar. It would be interesting to see a list of
Bible-believing scientists who don't think that evolution is contrary to
scripture. It would be substantially longer than this list.

Although impossible, it also would be interesting to see how those
scientists included in the above list who lived before Darwin (or those like
Mendel, who lived around the same time as Darwin, but perhapshad little
knowledge of him), would deal with evolution science today.
Steven S. Clark, Ph.D . Phone: 608/263-9137
Associate Professor FAX: 608/263-4226
Dept. of Human Oncology and Email:
UW Comprehensive Cancer Center
CSC K4-432
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings to
search out a matter." Proverbs