Re: supernatural observation and faith def.

Jim Bell (
01 Oct 96 13:41:53 EDT

Glenn wrote:

<<The reason for this question is that it
seems to me that we christians too often look to the future to get us out of
our difficulties today. This, IMO, is a form of procrastination because if I
take this position, I no longer have to be bothered with the facts as they are
today because the future will prove me right. I also no longer have to really
defend my position, because no one can prove me wrong or present evidence
which will disprove me. The future will bear me out.>>

But isn't this a classic evolutionist argument as well? "We don't know the way
evolution works...yet. But it has to be a naturalistic mechanism, and by
golly, we'll find it...someday..."

Both neo-Dars and punk eekers make this argument. How is it any different?
