Re: Lawyers, evidence and obfuscation

Denis Lamoureux (
Sun, 22 Sep 1996 15:15:22 -0600 (MDT)

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Dennis L. Durst wrote:

> As to the substance, Denis, please tell us which
> journals we should be consulting to learn who the real
> scientists are who don't call themselves Darwinists. If
> indeed Ernst Mayr and Richard Dawkins are not representative
> voices of the scientific establishment, I am glad to know
> it. Whom, in your view, are some of the scientists who
> are more representative of that community?

Hi Dennis,
Your question complements my point in that for me to give you a list of
the journals basic scientists like myself read would take hours because we
are talking about 100s of journals (I think I cited 4 of them in earlier
post to Jim). And most of these you will not find in a public library,
but only at a major university--in the science/medicine library, NOT THE

The reason Jim Bell is all twisted up is that I am calling him on his
competence to discuss the evolution issue. Being a lawyer he can probably
get away with "Darwin conspiracy" theories with most individuals not
intimately related to the actual science--which accounts for just about
everyone sitting in the pews. But because evolution/development is
currently my academic area of interest, and because I am calling him to
account, he is smart enough to know he is in water way over his head.
Why? Because he doesn't read the relevant primary literature. So with
his best legal magic he comes up with the "Priestly Robes" argument and
all his colorful rhetoric and slander. Which, I say is real clever and
cute (I actually appreciate it and think it's good clean fun), but
it is nothing but a mere diversion from the issue.

The facts are these:

1. Jim Bell is not reading the primary evolutionary literature.
2. Jim Bell knows it, and he can't stand it when I tell him.
3. Jim Bell instead of showing up in the science library to master the
relevant literature reads the secondary/tertiary material and slanders
people like me who actually read the literature and are experimental
4. Jim Bell being a professional (lawyer) and familiar with the notion of
a professional body of literature should know better.

Sorry this might sound rude. I prefer cordial discussion, but you will
note it is usually Mr. Bell who gets debate directed in this direction.

Finally, Dennis I appreciate the spirit of your admonition. But if we are
going to dwell in the world of the Spirit we must talk about the 8th
commandment--"Thou shall not bear false witness." A corollary of this
commandment is self-examination. Simply put, a Christian must ask:
Before I open my mouth, do I know what I am talking about? Returning to
our discussion, the question then becomes: If I am not familiar with the
primary literature in a discipline, should I pontificate with all the
images of scholarly authority of a Mr. Bell?


Denis O. Lamoureux DDS PhD PhD (cand)
Department of Oral Biology Residence:
Faculty of Dentistry # 1908
University of Alberta 8515-112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2N8 T6G 1K7

Lab: (403) 492-1354
Residence: (403) 439-2648
Dental Office: (403) 425-4000


"In all debates, let truth be thy aim, and endeavor to gain
rather than expose thy opponent."
