Re: supernatural observation & faith def.

Stephen Gooch (
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 08:07:48 -0400


SG>These are the basis of evolution - they can be observed by anyone at any
SG>1. Rudimentary organs
SG>2. Rudimentary characters
SG>3. The Bodily Structure of humans shares the same general structure as other
SG>4. Humans can get diseases from other animals
SG>5. Human embryonic development is not that much different that other higher
SG>6. Variability in humans.
SG>7. Those with the best traits for adapting to their environment or more like
SG>to have offspring.
SG>8. Comparison of basic mental traits with other animals, like the ability to

pdd>The theory of evolution started without many of your above stated bases
pdd>being known or understood. Charles Darwin, et. al., knew or wrote little
pdd>about items 1,4,5,7, and 8.

Have you read Darwin? Darwin is where I got all of these observations from.

pdd>The theory of evolution started with the
pdd>desire to formulate an alternative explanation to God as creator. It did
pdd>not start solely with the basis of observation. An assumption was made
pdd>that God did not create and the evidence was merely reinterpreted from a
pdd>completely naturalistic and materialistic perspective.

When Darwin went on the voyage he was a firm believer in genesis. What he saw
changed his mind - he did not go out with the attitude that God did not create.
Furthermore when he returned from the voyage he did not release his work for
14 years because he was afraid of what it might do to the faith of the people
in Christianity.

-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Stephen Gooch                  |             || 770.903.6778                   |   |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#!/bin/shecho '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D3F204445524F42snlbxq'|dc;exit