What limits inquiry

3 Sep 1996 23:17:40 EDT

GR>I would be delighted to have you point out factual errors in my view. Other
GR>have and I have even changed the book because of some of them. What you had
GR>suggested was that I was using theories rather than data to fit my view
GR>together. But you can't possibly know this. You wrote:

We've talked about the interpretations of Genesis 1 and some other

So, to keep the current point on track...

from your web page...

Theory 1... you refer to the "general theory of evolution" and assume it
true... to which you go to

Theory 2... you assume that we arose from apes "If we arose from the
apes,(as I believe we did)"

and interpreting the data in this light you arrive at a 3rd theory...

Theory 3..."Assume that God was ready to create a being who was "made
in image". During this time, there was among the physical ancestor man a
very rare mutation -- a chromosomal fusion...Thus Adam was created from
the product of a chromosomal fusion "

GR>And prior to this you had believed Jim Bell's assertion about my belief in a
GR>incipient humanity (remember? Jim thought that if I cited someone, I then ha
GR>to agree with everything they beleived. If they believed in an incipient
GR>humanity then I must also. Really strange.). And because you have not done
GR>enough homework, you believed him.

Incorrect. I noted that your web page was not clear on this for which
you apologized.

Activate attack mode...

GR>While I would never want to discourage questions, I must wonder if as you si
GR>in judgement on the various views out ther, if you have read enough, biology
GR>geology, astronomy, paleontology, anthropology etc. to know the details of t
GR>major issues in creation/evolution. Your question about what the pseudogene
GR>are is a good question. I had to ask the same question once. But your
GR>question is an indication that you need to learn more before you know who is
GR>telling you the truth on these issues.

You have just validated my previous post. A point of fact is that you
also appealed to a geneticist in your response... is that an indication
that you too need to learn more... and who is sitting in judgement of
others here?

Activate emotion...



Unfortunately I am finding it difficult to sift through the emotion and
separate it from the points at hand. Time for brothers to back off for a

Rv:4:11: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for
thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Paul Durham
Oakland, Maryland

to: IN:GRMorton@gnn.com
cc: IN:evolution@calvin.edu