Re: The 1st Paleontologist was a Neanderthal
3 Sep 1996 09:01:58 EDT

Back to Steve,

with a hint of levity...

SE>>GM>To me this is evidence of both an artistic and self-conscious
SE>>approach to the world. Fossils are often collected for their beauty
SE>>and curiosity value. Many geologists I work with are heavily into
SE>>mineral collecting also. They do it because the minerals are
SE>>beautiful at least to them. Apparently this Neanderthal also
SE>>thought pyrite and fossils were pretty . This is a HUMAN trait.

SE>PD>When I was out west on vacation, I saw an exhibit of a pack-rat's
SE>>nest. It too must have been human because of the diversity of
SE>>curious and beautiful objects found in the nest! ;-)


SE>I wonder if Glenn has ever seen a bower-bird's nest? I saw one in
SE>Windjana Gorge (an ancient Devonian coral reef) and the bower-bird
SE>there specialised in "fossils"! ;-)

I caught my dog carefully burying a deer skull one day. He had also
buried other toys that he had collected. He also communicated with us
pretty well and understood some of the words I knew. Couldn't get him to
play a flute though, hard as I tried!

