RE: Hugh Ross, string theory and fossil man

Glenn Morton (
Sun, 18 Aug 1996 16:58:39

>Even if they turn out to be false, to Ross' credit, he -does- make
> predictions. And when it comes to standing as science, better to have
> false predictions than no predictions at all. (Just as obviously, as
> Glenn points out, when it comes to standing as -truth-, a theory that
> fundamentally makes false predictions is not true.)

Actually, I probably need to clear something up. These are not predictions
Ross explicitly makes. They are predictions required by his view. All
views make predictions in this sense.

Ross does not say a lot about fossil man (I cited nearly all of it) but
what he does say has failed the test even before he wrote some of it.


Foundation,Fall and Flood

Only 1 more day till I get this ^%$#&*@ cast off my arm