Re: Latest on Mars

Jim Bell (
09 Aug 96 12:24:43 EDT

Brian Harper posted this:

> hmmm..., what first went through my mind on reading Jim's post
>> was this strange image of Jim dressed up kinda like Poombah,
>> singing a few bars of Hakuna Matata ... ;-)
>Funny, but to clarify - I was extending the idea back to the concept of
>"intelligent design" not to Jim himself. If anyone took it as a personal
>assault, I do apologize.

>Yes, I realized that. My reply should be interpretted as: "Tom was thinking
>thus and thus, I was thinking thus and thus". If I offended Jim in any
>way then I apologize. Jim strikes me as someone who can take a little
>ribbing, otherwise I would have kept my mouth shut.

I would have preferred being compared to Timon, but I'm not offended. Thank
you anyway for anticipating the possibility.

Part of the fun here is knowing when to give out a little ribbing, and being
able to take it as well. I try not to cross the line, though on occasion I do
(usually after that third cup of coffee). For the most part, I appreciate the
spirit of the discussions, and will try to do my part to keep them elevated.

And I apprecate the latest help from you and Tom Moore: I do need to shed a
few pounds.
