mea culpa
Tue, 6 Aug 1996 13:24:40 -0500 (CDT)

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maximum culpa!

Richk Knopp wrote:

Unfortunatley, it certainly isn't "very clear to me" and
apparently it wasn't "very clear" to Art either. I ask the following
questions not with intended humor or with sarcasm: "How can an atheist
'reject evolution' and have it NOT 'do damage' to her 'refusal to believe
in God'?" If an atheist 'rejects' evolution, what *are* the viable
alternatives (other than entertaining seriously the abandonment of her
atheism)? Aren't these legitimate and even significant questions?

Having stirred up a tempest in a teapot, let me try to bring this to
some kind of closure. When I read Steve's original post, in which he
referred to an "atheist who could reject evolution without doing damage to
her faith", it seemed clear to me because I know of many who do not believe
in the Christian God and who ALSO do not accept the current evolutionary
model for the origin and development of life in the universe. In light
of Steve's post earlier today, I think these are the people he was
referring to. The people in this category who are not non-christian theists
are perhaps more properly agnostics rather than convinced atheists.
I understand better now how Steve's comment was unclear to Art and Rich
(and perhaps others too).

Sorry for the distraction,

Stan Zygmunt