Kuhn's obit

21 Jun 1996 21:31:12 EDT

I just picked up a copy of Kuhn's book "The Structure of Scientific
Revolutions" in the used book section of our public library and am
finding it interesting reading.

Kuhn alleged that most paradigms arise from some acute problem and that
"mopping-up" is what occupies most scientists. "That enterprise seems
an attempt to force nature into the preformed and relatively inflexible
box that a paradigm supplies. No part of the aim of normal science is to
call forth new sorts of phenomena; indeed those that will not fit into
the box are often not seen at all."

This forces science to investigate some aspect of nature in minute
detail. Kuhn asserted that normal science relaxes its restrictions
whenever the paradigm ceases to function effectively, however commitment
to the paradigm still prevails.

Regarding origins, evolution appears to be the most recent paradigm and
in many ways Kuhn exhibits great insight.

Kuhn relates several reasons for any new scientific paradigm shift,
including a crisis in the original paradigm, the emergence of new and
overwhelming empirical evidence, and changes in world view.

Kuhn alleged something very interesting that also applies well to the
evolution-creation debate...

"History suggests that the road to a firm research consensus is
extraordinarily arduous. History also suggests, however, some reasons
for the difficulties encountered on that road. In the absence of a
paradigm or some candidate for a paradigm, all of the facts that could
possibly pertain to the development of a given science are likely to
seem equally relevant."

Thus the wealth of seemingly conflicting data leads to a morass. The
silver lining in this story is that someone is eventually able to find
the facts and details there that become a source of an "important
illumination", and from that a new paradigm may develop.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17"
Paul Durham pdd@gcc.cc.md.us
Oakland, Maryland