Re: Regarding Henry

Jim Bell (
15 May 96 12:11:58 EDT

Steve Clark writes about the Henry Morris thesis:

<<Evolutionary roots in Babylonian paganism is scriptural?>>

It may be. You haven't addressed the argument. You've castigated it, and taken
some sort of position that since it comes from Henry Morris it is, per se,
absurd. But that's not a logical way to deal with it. The main point from
Morris is that Satan is real, and working, and may have worked in this area
from the beginning. Scripturally, that is sound, unless you have some textual
argument against it.

Surely you don't believe science is immune from the influence of the Enemy, do
you? If so, then naturalism really has taken root. If not, what is your
quarrel with Morris's thesis? Why is it per se unbelievable? What in Scripture
leads you to believe this cannot be the case?
