Re: Science and supernatural explanations #2/2

Brian D. Harper (
Fri, 3 May 1996 13:39:14 -0400

At 07:46 PM 5/2/96 EDT, Steve wrote:

>On Mon, 22 Apr 1996 08:44:46 -0400 Brian wrote:
>BH>...Steve J wrote...quoting Hugh Ross:
>SJ>In 1988 George Greenstein expressed these
>>thoughts: "As we survey all the evidence, the thought insistently
>>arises that some supernatural agency-or, rather, Agency-must be
>>involved. Is it possible that suddenly, without intending to, we have
>>stumbled upon scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being?
>>Was it God who stepped in and so providentially crafted the cosmos for
>>our benefit?" ("Symbiotic Universe, p27)"
>BH>and in the next paragraph Greenstein writes:
>> A heady prospect. Unfortunately I believe it to be illusory.
>> As I claim mankind is not the center of the universe, as
>> I claim anthropism to be different from anthropocentrism,
>> so too I believe that the discoveries of science are not
>> capable of proving God's existence-not now, not ever.
>> And more than that: I also believe that reference to God
>> will never suffice to explain a single one of these
>> discoveries. God is not an explanation.
>BH>(Ross H., "Astronomical
>>Evidences for a Personal, Transcendent God", in Moreland J.P. ed.,
>>"The Creation Hypothesis", InterVarsity Press: Illinois, 1994, p164)
>Brian (perhaps inadvertently), by inserting "the next paragraph"
>between my quote of Greenstein by Ross and the citation of Ross'
>chapter in Moreland's "The Creation Hypothesis", may give the
>impression that "the next paragraph" appears in Ross and that I have
>deliberately omitted it. It doesn't -the quote of Greenstein that
>Ross gives ends exactly where I ended it.

First of all, what I said was: "in the next paragraph *Greenstein*
writes" (emphasis added).

As regarding your last sentence above, yes that is exactly the
point, Ross's quote ends exactly where you ended it.

>The fact that Greenstein acknowledges that "the evidence" points to
>"scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being", but claims it
>is "illusory", is testimony to the darkening effect of naturalism (Rom

And this is testimony to the darkening effect of selective quotation.
Greenstein did not acknowledge the above. This is clear if one reads
the surrounding context.

Brian Harper | "I can't take my guesses back
Associate Professor | That I based on almost facts
Applied Mechanics | That ain't necessarily so"
Ohio State University | -- Willie Nelson