Re: TE's vs. Naturalism

Steve Clark (
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 13:01:12 -0500

Burgey provides some nice examples of the new acronymic category I recently
sugested--TC for Theologically Correct.

>1. There are 1000s of Christian bookstores in the US now, where there were
> but a few several decades ago. These appear (there are exceptions) to
> carry almost exclusively publications by the "right" side of the spectrum.

Yep, this would be TC.

>2. There are 1000s of fundementalist churches who have bought into the
> ICR non-science. I've looked in some of their libraries. Usually very
> well-stocked with Gish/Morris/McDowell etc. but nothing, for example,
> from the ASA or ASA authors.

Clearly TC.

>7. So "the TEs" (and the PCs) and anyone writing on science/theology topics
> without an ICR "twist" just don't get heard by the mainstream Christian.

Regardless of the kind of Correctness, political, theological, etc., a
defining mode of operation is the exclusion of "other" information, and in
this way, the movement attempts to control the viewpoints of its audience.
There is no real interest in truth, only in orthodoxy. In fact, Correctness
movements seem to lack confidence in the truthfulness of what they believe
otherwise they would not be afraid of airing other viewpoints.

Correctness movements certainly happen on university campuses and perhaps
Dean Kenyon was on the receiving end of such intellectual
totalitarianism--as some have pointed out here. But I wonder whether those
who are understandably disturbed by these sad events, are similary sensitive
to the intellectual totalitarianism of Theological Correctness in the
church, perhaps even in their own churches?


Steven S. Clark, Ph.D. Phone: (608) 263-9137
Associate Professor FAX: (608) 263-4226
Dept. of Human Oncology and email:
UW Comprehensive Cancer Ctr
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53792

"I had a great deal of respect for that preacher and I was saddened when
he was called to a bigger church. He was a Baptist, but he was still a
loss to the community". Ferrol Sams in EPIPHANY