Copy of: Re: Developmental Evolutionary Biology

John W. Burgeson (
23 Apr 96 11:07:27 EDT

RE: Copy of: Re: Developmental Evolutionary Biology

Steve wrote, having returned from the repressive kingdom
of the Singaporians unscathed:

>>The role of a theistic science would then be to determine the relative
frequency of involvement or intervention by that Creator, in close
dialogue with sound Biblical scholarship.

Welcome back, Steve. Hope your journey was a pleasant one.
I hear you can be arrested there for chewing gum in public (or
some such nonsense) -- I was somewhat concerned! < G >

OK. Suppose I buy your thesis. I'm ready to begin work tomorrow.
What do I do? More importantly -- what do I do DIFFERENTLY than I do today?
Choose your field of inquiry, physics, geoplogy, chemistry, biology, etc.
Tell me -- specifically -- what do I do now?

I am really puzzled by this. I cannot even think of any new experiments
to investigate. I can think of a few current ones I might abandon, but
maybe even not that. I can think of new articles/books to write (if I
were smart enough), but they would all be theological/philosophical works.

Burgy (the unrepentant MN scientist & TR Christian).