Re: Feet to the Fire

Steve Clark (
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 13:47:35 -0500

>Steve Clark asks a good question:
><<To re-phrase Chuck's question, how come creationists don't hold these guys
>feet to the fire for making unwarranted metaphysical claims? Or, more
>specifically for Chuck, if you are indeed concerned about unwarranted
>claims, why do you seem to focus solely on those who make metaphysical leaps
>from science and not on those who use faulty science to support their
>metaphysical claims?>>
>I'll answer for myself. When viewed in the large, cultural context, the ones
>who are "running the show," and therefore having the greatest effect, are the
>scientists. The Sagans's, Goulds's and Dawkins's are the ones with the
>bestsellers, not Henry Morris. Who does PBS give the most air time to?

This is true, and it is the answer I expected. While it is fine and good
for Phil Johnson and Jim Bell (in his "modest tome") to provide a
counterpoint to Sagan and Dawkins, my question was specifically for those
Chuck Warman and myself, who, like most of us probably have a limited
influence regarding the popular press, but who may have an opportunity to
make a local impact. If Chuck is interested in Truth as opposed to
Theological Correctness, why complain on this reflector ONLY about the
"failure" of TE's to take Sagan and Dawkins to task? But perhaps my point
is naive, perhaps Chuck and others stand up in church and point out that a
10,000 year old earth and a flood origin of the Grand Canyon are no more
factual than fish developing lungs and legs.

I would like to suggest another acronymic category for the group to use:
TC, for theologically correct. These would be defined as those who
steadfastly rail against the Secular University, Methodological Naturalism,
while conveniently ignoring the philosophical limitations of their own


Steven S. Clark, Ph.D. Phone: (608) 263-9137
Associate Professor FAX: (608) 263-4226
Dept. of Human Oncology and email:
UW Comprehensive Cancer Ctr
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53792

"To disdain philosophy is really to be a philosopher." Blaise Pascal, Pensees