Re: "Primary Literature"
Mon, 22 Apr 96 12:19:18 MDT

>>>>> On 22 Apr 96 13:21:01 EDT, Jim Bell <> said:

>> Of course the ACLU was involved. I'm not sure to what extent, but if it is
>> like most cases of this type, it was helping to formulate, if not direct,
>> strategy.

True. However this is not, as a previous poster, because they are
trying to suppress all views other than their own. I have heard that
the ACLU has taken flak in the past for defending the rights of racists,
even though I suspect that most ACLU'ers are violently opposed to racism.

In the case of creationism in schools, I'm sure the ACLU fights it
because it sees it, rightly IMHO, as an attempt to teach religion in the
public schools.

>> Down in Alabama right now, they're trying to force a judge to take
>> the 10 Commandments off the wall of his courtroom. There are more
>> pressing issues, I would think.

In this case, I would have to agree.

-- Jim Foley                         Symbios Logic, Fort Collins,                        (970) 223-5100 x9765  I've got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call  it a weasel.      -- Edmund Blackadder