RE: "Primary literature"

Jim Bell (
19 Apr 96 14:19:56 EDT

Justin Keller writes:

<< I'm going to have to agree with Jim here. We can be sure
something isn't logical without reading the primary literature--we can know
if it is invalid or not. I think one point Jim is trying to make (I hope I'm
not puttingwords in your mouth) is that non-scientists can determine whether
somethingis valid or not. Soundness is a separate issue for which familiarity
with primary sources is probably helpful.
This shouldn't even really be a debate, because neither side is
really wrong.>>

No, Denis and Tom are wrong. They just haven't realized it yet. ;-)

But thanks for the kind words. Your main point is correct, and you are also
correct that being able to delve into the primary sources is helpful (okay, so
I'm throwing Denis a bone. But he can use it to sharpen his teeth).
