RE: How to Think About Naturalism

Chuck Warman (
Sun, 24 Mar 1996 19:18:47 -0600

Stephen Jones wrote:


>Perhaps some of our resident agnostic/atheists could take up Craig's
>challenge on the Reflector? :-)

I too would like to see atheism defended affirmatively from a philosophical
standpoint. Almost all debates I have seen or read seem to end with the
atheist claiming victory simply because the theist hasn't "conclusively"
proved his case. Let an atheist share the burden of proof, and let's

>I urge Reflectorites (both atheists and theists) who haven't seen the
>video "Atheism vs Christianity" to try to do so. Indeed, they might
>read some of William Lane Craig's writings, eg. "Reasonable Faith:
>Christian Truth and Apologetics", Crossway Books: Wheaton Illinois,
>revised edition, 1994)

I also highly recommend "Can Man Live Without God" by Ravi Zacharias (Word,
1994). Ravi does the best job I have seen of addressing the emotional (as
well as the intellectual) barrenness of atheism.


Chuck Warman
"The abdication of Belief / Makes the Behavior small."
--- Emily Dickinson