Re: Is it soup yet? #2

Brian D. Harper (
Fri, 22 Mar 1996 00:57:17 -0500 (EST)

It seems that most of this post has to do with Yockey's views. Rather
than respond to this (at present anyway) I thought I would give
another Yockey quote that I just found on the WWW as I think it
adds new insights into his position.

From: <Truth: An International, Inter-Disciplinary
Journal of Christian Thought> Volume 1 (1985).


Message from Professor Hubert Yockey

(Board of Advisors)

Professor Hubert P. Yockey: Ph.D. from the
University of California at Berkeley and a
renowned pioneer of information theory. He
is editor of Symposium on Information Theory
and Biology. He is author of several celebrated
critiques of the "primordial soup " account
of the origin of life in The Journal of
Theoretical Biology.

Science, religion and literature are all legitimate paths to
truth. Literature and religion have belief systems which are
different, and in a sense opposite from those of science.
The truth in literature lies outside the methods of science.
The poet says: "the bird of time has but a little way to
flutter and the bird is on the wing." The scientist says:
"Time is not a bird and the wing is an appendage on the bird,
not the other way around."

Scientific beliefs are never absolute. Doubt is a virtue in
science and many theories, thought to have been well established,
were replaced because tiny discrepancies led to the unraveling
of the whole structure of the theory. Faith, on the other hand,
plays a central role in religion. The conflict between literature
and religion, on one hand, and science on the other, would be
resolved if proponents of both realized this difference in
belief systems. The new journal, Truth, can play a useful role in
establishing a dialogue. We may be surprised how many scientists
are really talking religion and how many theologians are talking

Brian Harper |
Associate Professor | "It is not certain that all is uncertain,
Applied Mechanics | to the glory of skepticism" -- Pascal
Ohio State University |