Re: Hello! cont.

Tony Jester (
Thu, 21 Mar 1996 21:31:34 GMT


TJ>>"layer of dust argument"

JB>is sufficiently disusting that I doubt the honesty of someone
>who claims to be a educated person and also continues to use
>that argument.

Now hold on there, Jim. I _never_ claimed to be ah educated

I suggest you go back and re-read my post. I never, ever made that
claim. I may be nothin' but a dumb, ignorant mountain boy, but I
ain't no liar! :-)

Does that let me off the hook for possible dis-honesty?

Because if not, them's fightin' words, Jim!

Now if you want to come out to California and discuss it, I'd be
happy to show you some mountain hospitality. And in between
huntin' and fishin', we'd have opportunity to look at some dust.
In my attic. I was just up there the other day noticin' it. Ya
know, Jim, I'm sure I just cleaned that outta there not more'n
nine, ten years ago. And it's already two inches thick! Well,
maybe I am inclined to exaggerate a little bit, but still, it
really is thick. Even if it's really only one and a half inches
thick, divided by 9 years (let me be conservative, just to give you
the benefit of the doubt) multiplied by 4.6 billion... Wow! Seems
like a lot of dust to me, Jim.

I never used to mind all those times being called "disgusting"
before I got saved, I wonder why it bothers me now? Well, in any
case, if I have indeed been that, I sincerely apologize to the
entire group.

Tony Jester
Placerville, California