Re: Hello! cont.

michael farley (
Thu, 21 Mar 1996 10:19:18 -0500 (EST)


Thanks for your post on the age of the earth and the universe.
Because the question of the age of the universe/earth has been
excessively debated here before, I want to suggest that you check out the archive FAQ on young earth creationism. This website
contains several excellent summaries of current scientific evidence for
the antiquity of the universe and the earth. In addition, there are
articles rebutting common young earth arguments, including almost every
argument that you have made in your post. I would suggest that you first
read these FAQs and then return to this list with your responses to the
evidences and challenges to your position presented there. I think that
the level of discussion (and your own edification and learning) will best
be enhanced by this.

The World Wide Web address for the Talk.origin FAQ on young earth
creationism is:

By His sovereign grace,

Mike Farley
Indiana University