Re: How to Think About Naturalism

John W. Burgeson (
08 Mar 96 20:14:59 EST

>>What I want to suggest
is that one who believes in God does not exclusively own the
patent on love for others or on reasons to follow moral codes.>>

No argument (from me) here. But Jim is
pushing the envelope a bit more than this.

I've been around with Jim before on this; I'm basically
in your corner. But you are perhaps articulating it
better than I can. I tried with Jim (last year) to take
on my persona as I was at age 30, an agnostic/atheist; I
was not terribly successful, mainly because I have
30+ years of being a Christian since then. Yet the
questions remain... .

Jim speaks of "moral authority," but the authority of
most Christians (and others) 150 years ago said people of
dark skin were 2nd class. The arguments were based on

Today some (not by any means all) Christians assert that
people with different sexual tendencies and practices are also
2nd class -- again, scripture is involved. My own reading & studying
does not support those arguments -- at least not all Christians will agree
on this!

C. S. Lewis uses this approach also, in Mere Christianity.
I am impressed by the logic he uses, but not with the application
to unnaturally separate theists/non-theists. We all hear our own drummer.
