Re: Dean Kenyon (was Darwinist Macro-Evolution)

Thomas L Moore (mooret@GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU)
Thu, 8 Feb 1996 11:32:40 -0700 (MST)

On 8 Feb 1996, Jim Bell wrote:

> Tom Moore writes:
> << Jim Bell claims that it
> is, but how can it be when attendence is a choice of the student and the
> record shows that most students aren't changing their presonal views
> much (in reference to Provine)? >>
> On the contrary, Prof. Provine is quite proud of trumpeting his successes in
> this regard. He himself quotes "stats", that by the end of a semester only
> "one or two" religious students retain their belief system, on average, from
> something like fifty or so.

I believe your numbers are greatly exaggerated. Many students do change
their views one way or another. You'd expect that when confronted with
both sides of the issue as Provine presents it (remember, even Phil
Johnson gets his chance to speak in his class when he's available).

A survey of his students was published in Creation/Evolution, I believe.
But if the numbers are so good as you suggest, and proof of indoctrination
as you suggest, how could the ICR dare publish this Impact article in

Bliss, R., 1990, A failed attempt at student brainwashing: ICR Impact
Series, no. 207, p. i-iv.

You're claiming he's indoctrinating, the ICR claims that he's failing his
attempts to indoctrinate. Sounds to me like he's not indoctrinating
anyone. The students have a wide reading list, including Johnson's
book. Is that indoctrination? Do the students fail the class if they
still are creationists? Nope.

And what's the topic of his class? Creation and evolution? The students
walked in those doors knowing that their views were going to be
challenged. They _chose_ to take the class. They _chose_ to sit and
listen (or not to listen) to the arguments. They _chose_ to change their
views or not change their views.

Even if 100% of his classes became atheists it's still not indoctrination
because everyone _chose_ to attend his class. If they didn't like the
material present, they could drop.

Your claim of indoctrination is unfounded.
