Re: Dean Kenyon (was Darwinist Macro-Evolution)

Jim Bell (
07 Feb 96 11:54:26 EST

Bill Hamilton writes:

<<I hear frequent complaints from Christians attending state universities
that some professors use their classrooms to indoctrinate students with
their particular slant on women's issues, lesbianism, pro-abortion and a
variety of other highly political issues. They resent spending their
tuition dollars for irrelevant political detours also. My reaction is
that all of us ought to put more pressure on our public universities to
teach what they were chartered to teach.>>

Well put. And every day, in numerous institutions of "higher learning,"
science professors are denigrating conservative religion, both explicitly and
implicitly. It is indoctrination, no matter how you look at it. Will Provine
at Cornell is up front about his desire to eradicated religion from the fecund
young minds of his charges. Daniel Dennett is the same. To them, religion is
dangerous, so they use their classrooms as pulpits to expouse their own,
atheistic philosophies. So do hundreds of unnamed others. I had a few of them

So one professor at one college dares to question Darwinist orthodoxy, and
he's booted! And then tarred and feathered in public based on double or triple
or quadruple hearsay! What a world.
