Re: oral tradition
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 07:30:28 -0400

I worte:
>> but the
fact that Broca's area which is used for motor control of language is foundas
far back as 2 million years, is a fact which is always ignored by the non
language advocates. >>

Jim Bell replied:
Of course, even if we grant a 2 million year range, that still leaves an
enormous gap of 3.5 million years vis-a-vis Glenn's flood. That, it seems to
me, remains a significant problem. <<

Well as I see it, I have incorporated this into a historically true view of
the Bible. If you want man being created only a few thousand (or up to
100,000 years ago) you have not dealt with the issue at all! Thus while I
might have a lack of evidence in favor of one aspect of my view, you have
positive evidence against the view you advocate.
