PC vs. TE expectations (was Re: Geocentrism and other issues)

Bill Hamilton (hamilton@predator.cs.gmr.com)
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 16:02:47 -0500

Glenn wrote

>"If there were no observational or theoretical expectation differences
>between PC and TE I would agree with you, Gordie. But I think there is a
>different expectation. Under PC God is free to create whatever He wants
>Under TE there are limits. Thus in PC we would not expect constraints on
>the form of the new species in the same sense that constraints are
>expected under TE."
Phil Johnson says in the appendix to RITB that a theistic realist expects
that a universe created by an intelligent designer will have different
characteristics from one which evolved. (This is a very loose paraphrase).
The questions this poses in my mind are: 1) What differences should we
expect? 2) Can we state those differences in such a way that
experimental/observational evidence can be found to confirm or contradict

It seems to me that David Hume's objection is very pertinent here: If the
universe was created by in intelligent designer who is sovereign over
everything in the universe, then how can we determine what a nondesigned
universe would look like?

So far as constraints on created creatures are concerned, I would expect to
see constraints, and those constraints would be due to the nature of God.
I don't think you can say PC rejects constraints.

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX)
hamilton@gmr.com (office) | whamilto@mich.com (home)