Starlight and Time

Gordon Simons (
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 20:07:32 -0400 (EDT)

John Turnbull wrote:
"I heard that Hugh Ross had issued a response to Humphreys' cosmology. Do
you know how one might obtain copy of this critique? Also, I'd like to
subscribe to "Facts & Faith." Do you have the information on how I could
do that?"

Facts & Faith
Reasons to Believe
P.O. Box 5978
Pasadena, CA 91117
Tel. 818-335-1480

You might try the "new toll-free credit card number for orders and
donations": 800-482-7836

"Facts & Faith" is free, but a donation is requested.

Concerning _Starlight and Time_, Ross writes:
"_Starlight and Time_ is very popular, now in its third printing. The
contents, however, are so technical that most readers will not recognize
its errors. To be honest, our original critique is comprehensible only to
those fluent in the language of tensor calculus. To make that critique
accessible to a wider audience, we have prepared a summary version, and it
is now available to anyone who writes or calls requesting it. Even this
version requires some math and physics background. We're still working to
bring it down to a less technical level, but that will take more time."

If you check this out, John, please report back to us your assessment of
this matter. I shall be pleased to find out what you think.
