Starlight and Time

Gordon Simons (
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 22:46:32 -0400 (EDT)

In a recent reflector message, John Turnbull refers to the book "Starlight
and Time" by Russell Humphreys.

In referring to this book, Hugh Ross states (in "Facts & Faith", Third
Quarter 1995):
"... My concern in this case is that the book will expose both Dr.
Humphreys and the body of Christ to needless ridicule because of its
mathematical errors and violations of observational astrophysics."

Ross secured the assistance of "four other scientists, all evangelicals
trained in mathematics and physics at the graduate level, to review the
book." They produced a 42-page critique that was "submitted to Dr.
Humphreys, along with a request for his withdrawal of the book from
publication." Ross reports that "So far he has denied our request."

The four scientists are identified by name and do seem to have impressive
