Re: geocentrism

Stephen Jones (
Fri, 06 Oct 95 05:07:37 EDT


On Tue, 3 Oct 1995 00:31:14 -0400 you wrote:

>I wrote:
GM>I said "today there are some YEC's who hold to geocentrism.<<

>Stephen wrote:
SJ>I saw it and deleted it as not relavnt. The emphasis was on
>*today*.The quote was in *1979*, ie. 16 years ago.<<

GM>I am still waiting for Glenn's "evidence" that "TODAY there are
>some YEC's who hold to geocentrism." (emphasis mine).<<

GM>That author is still alive and holds those views. I think the term
>"today" still applies. Although the CRSQ decided they didn't want to
>publish him anymore. And when compared to the 1600's, 1979 is TODAY.
>Stephen, I don't think the world will collapse if I might be right
>about one itty bitty fact.

Sorry to Glenn, but I take "today" as being 1995. If you think
"today" means "compared to the 1600's" then you should have said so.
We have no argument if that is your meaning of "today".

That this is really Glenn's view of "today" is evidenced by his
recent post to Kevin Wirth:

"Several months ago, Art Chadwick took me to task for raising the
Galileo and Copernican arguments. He thought evolutionists used that
example unfairly. Looking at recent events on the reflector, I don't
think Christians today are much more open to new ideas than were the
christians who fought against the heliocentric view. The only
difference is that today, we all believe in heliocentricity."

Also, I tood the "some" to mean as substantial minority. Otherwise it
is an uninteresting claim. There is no doubt there is a tiny minority
of YECs who believe in geontricism even in 1995.

GM>I think this is getting a little silly. I won't respond further to
>this issue.

Agreed! :-)

God bless.
