Re: broca's brain
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 19:20:13 -0400

Stephen Jones wrote:
>>Only man has the ability to use complex, gramatical language. If
youhaven't already done so, I suggest you read Moreland J.P. ed., "The
Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent
Designer", InterVarsity Press: Illinois, 1994, especially the
cahpater by Oller J.W. & Omdahl J.L., "Origin of the Human Language
Capacity: In Whose Image?", pp235ff). <<

Contrary to what they are suggesting, the biological evidence of language is
first found in the fossil record from 2 million years ago in the brain of
Homo Habilis. I do not recall them adressing this issue. I do not own that
book so I can't check. If my memory is correct, and they don't address this
issue, don't you think they should have?
I do know that Hugh Ross doesn't address this nor do the young earth
