White's "Warfare of Science with Theology"

Fri, 22 Sep 1995 22:49:12 -0800 (PST)

I for one do not want Glenn Morton to be depressed, and especially
not from reading White's _A History of the Warfare of Science with
Theology in Christendom_. A readily available antidote is the following
University of California Press publication:

God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter between Christianity
and Science_. Edited by David Lindberg and Ronald Numbers (1986).

Lindberg wrote the first chapter of this anthology, entitled
"Science and the Early Church". This together with his introductory
remarks to the anthology thoroughly discredits White from any
legitimate claim to have demonstrated that religion has been an
adament foe of science and progress. I strongly recommend the
entire volume and would welcome any reactions to it.

Jim Hofmann