Re: YEC "lying" (was A guide to (non-social) dating.

Bill Hamilton (
Thu, 21 Sep 1995 15:17:33 -0500

I agree with Stephen and Glenn: the young-earth creationists are not (for
the most part anyway) intentionally spreading falsehoods, and therefore
they are not lying. Their interpretation of the Scriptures rules out
evolution, as well as an old earth. They believe, as I do, that when they
are fully understood, Scripture and nature will not contradict one another.
To compromise would be apostasy, and so they defend their position
vigorously -- frequently with more valor than judgment IMO. But that is
not lying. Unfortunately it gives the appearance of untruthfulness to
people outside the faith who don't understand the stakes involved. That's
why forums like this are important -- Christians need to test their ideas
against those of other Christians who disagree. I doubt we can resolve
many of the issues, but at least we can understand the other fellow's
position better.
Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX) (office) | (home)