Re: Glenn's Flood

Jim Bell (
16 Sep 95 12:35:36 EDT

Glenn, I assume, is gone for awhile.

Heh heh. (No, I shall stop myself).

But a question occurred to me. Maybe others can answer it, and when Glenn gets
back he will too.

Glenn puts the flood at 5.5 million years ago, right?

Modern man, even being generous, is 250,000 years old.

So....why do virtually all ancient civilizations have a flood story with
striking similarities? The event was loooonnnnng gone, before man could think,
talk, make pancakes, anything.

So why do we have Manu in Hindu, Fah-he in Chinese, Nu-u in Hawaiin, Tezpi in
Mexico, Noah in Hebrew...all men who survived, with their families, through
the flood?

One response I hope we all would reject is that this story was made up in a
cave somewhere and spread, as myth, to other caves, until it was printed as
fact by the Hebrews.

So how did the information get to these ancient peoples? Another explanation
is divine revelation to these people...but that sort of throws a wrench in the
idea of Mosaic exclusivity.

The only other possibility is that it happened a lot more recently than 5.5
million years...recent enough so everyone knew about it, could record it.

More Flood for thought...
