Re: Probability and apologetics

Bill Hamilton (
Tue, 5 Sep 1995 08:44:11 -0500

Stephen quotes Glenn

GM>I don't know if the origin of life can happen with out God. The
>evolutionists have not proven their case. But given what science has done in
>the past that Christians thought would be impossible, I am not going to be
>surprised if someday they do create life. Christians should at least be
>prepared for the occurrence of such an event rather than having to attempt to
>explain why the creation of some life form by scientists isn't the creation
>of some life form.

Suppose a biochemist succeeds in producing some combinations of amino acids
that meet all the criteria for life. Would that prove that life can or did
arise without God? Suppose we could establish beyond any reasonable doubt
that the beginning of life on earth was some process identified by the
abiogenesis research community. Would that also establish that God was not
the creator of life? I don't think so. I would consider such knowledge to
possibly be knowledge about the means God used to bring life about, but it
is still knowledge about how material systems interact, explained in terms
of the laws of chemistry and physics. God is Spirit. We don't discover
the spiritual by studying the material (although we do gain insights about
God by studying His creation). Simply understanding the physical mechanisms
by which something occurs does not reveal the ultimate cause of them.

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX)