Re: misgivings

Jim Bell (
16 Aug 95 11:49:35 EDT

Just a theological side note. Bill wrote:

<<In the final analysis my trust in Scripture is not the
result of having done minute comparisons of what Scripture says with what
nature and history say at every point. My trust in Scripture is based on
the fact, which I can observe in my own life, that the Holy Spirit is at
work. And as that process has continued I have found that my trust in
Scripture has increased. Yes, I do read it more literally now than I used
to, but the what's important is not to read it literally so much as to
learn what the Lord wants you to learn from it.>>

This is great! This is the Barthian view, as well as the view of my two
favorite current theologians, Bloesch and Pinnock. The Word is not so much for
INformation as it is for TRANSformation. Unless we are made new by it, it is
useless and we are "clanging cymbals."

Some of us clang more loudly than others. ;-)
