Re: Acanthostega-the Finger of God?

Stephen Jones (
Wed, 09 Aug 95 06:01:38 EDT

Naturalistic evolutionists must place the entire reptile, bird and
mammal existence on this "accidental" event of a fish growing a fin it
had no use for. As a Christian, when Paul writes in Eph 1:11,

"In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the
plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of
his will"

it means for me that this "accident" was the result of deliberate
planning and purpose by God.

Interestingly, the evolutionist Loren Eiseley, in discussion the fish
- amphibian transition, muses:

"Perhaps there also, among rotting fish heads and blue, night-burning
bog lights, moved the eternal mystery, the careful finger of God."
(Eiseley L., "The Immense Journey", 1958, Victor Gollancz, London,

God bless.
