Re: Burdens of Proof

Jim Bell (
03 Aug 95 12:15:07 EDT

Art helpfully reminds us:

<<I thought the case had been laid to rest weeks ago when somebody brought up
Drosophila. Intensive selection hass been carried out for over 60 years at
25 generations per year times hundreds of cultures per lab times dozens of
labs (probably hundreds) worldwide. When the flies escape they waste no
time in reverting to wild type. But in no case has a "new species" been
produced, say nothing of an improved variety.>>

Yes, and not only that, but what experiments give us, in testable form, the
basis for believing complex biochemical systems can arise and change on a
large scale by chance? Where is any of this in the literature?

Regarding burdens, we are at the stage where it is not only a preponderance,
but well beyond reasonable doubt, that science cannot explain the data in the

There's an old saying, usually ascribed to Lincoln: "If the law is against
you, argue the facts; if the facts are against you, argue the law; if both are
against you, pound on the table and cry for justice!"

There has been a lot of table pounding of late. We are justified in asking,
along with Peggy Lee, "Is that all there is?"

Peggy Lee is a nobel laureate in chemistry, isn't she?
