limits of variation

Tue 25 Jul 1995 12:05 CT

David Tyler wrote:
"Glenn needs to ask questions about evidence for unlimited variation to
neoDarwinists - this is vital evidence for their theory! Without it,
neoDarwinism is not truly a science."

It seems to me that everyone pushes the limits of variation quite far. Even
YEC's like Gish and Morris believe that the dog-kind gave rise to foxes
coyotes, wolves, hyaena's and the like. And if the YEC view of the flood is
correct than all kulans, horses, zebras, asses etc must have arisen since the
flood. That is a lot of variation especially when you consider that these
equines have different chromosome numbers.It seems to me that evidence for
rapid change is vital to the YEC view.

PC advocates also accept some change, but never allow the big changes. It
seems to me that evidence for a limitation is vital to their theory. Without
that limit their view has no raison d'etre. I do not see in the scripture a
clear statement that God engaged in PC. He might have under certain
assumptions but the biggest reason for PC is the evidence of change in the
fossil record.

Evolutionists it is true believe in lots of change. But no limit has been
experimentally observed. If PC or YEC's want to destroy evolution with one
experiment, then the way to do it is experimentally prove there is a
limitation to morphological variability.

David Tyler wrote:
(I note Glenn's comments on dogs - but remain unconvinced that any speciation
has occurred!)<<
While I am not a biologists I understand that some definitions
of species now involve interbreeding. If you were to wipe out the mid-sized
dogs, there would be almost no interbreeding between chihuahua and St.
Bernard. The very thought is comical to say the least. And if PC or YEC's
believe that foxes came from dog-kind, then speciation DID occur with them (as
well as hyaenas.
