Re: The beak of the finch

Bill Hamilton (
Tue, 25 Jul 1995 09:56:56 -0500

Stephen said

>>This ongoing fuzziness of debate seems to be a major feature of

Terry responded
>Fuzziness? This seems to be a common accusation when we get to this point
>in the discussion. It's not fuzzy to me at all. What's so fuzzy about it?
Stephen, your observation cuts both ways. Those of us who accept evolution
are frequently puzzled by the question of just what it is that a PC objects
to about evolution. The young earth creationist (the honest YEC anyway) is
convinced that the creation account and the genealogies ought to be read in
such a way as to exclude the possibility of development over billions of
years instead of thousands. I disagree with that position, but at least I
understand the intensity of such an individual's belief. You and I have a
disagreement over the mechanisms God uses to govern nature -- although we
agree that He is totally in control moment by moment. It seems to me --
and I realize you may disagree emphatically -- that it is not God's
intention to give us a detailed description of the methods He uses in His
governance in Scripture. Rather He seems more concerned with teling us Who
He is and how we can have a right relationship with Him. We seem to be
looking at the world through quite different paradigms, and we ought to
give some attention to what those paradigms are -- if that's possible :-).

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX)