Re: Inherently anti-theistic?

Stephen Jones (
Sun, 09 Jul 95 15:29:41 EDT


On Fri, 07 Jul 1995 12:03:13 -0500 (EST) you wrote:

LH>ABSTRACT: Our BEST tactic is to carefully and painstakingly
separate the
>terms "evolution" and "chance" -- which scientists use in a fairly
>technical way in their technical discussions -- from the anti-theistic
>baggage they often acquire in public debate. When we instead launch
>wholesale attacks against the terms, the anti-theistic baggage just clings
>all the tighter.

I agree with you on the above. I am all for clarity of terminology.
the term "evoloution" means too many things to be useful.

I do still believe that Henry is right and the very terminology used
the debate. I still believe the word "evolution" conveys the idea of
autonomous self-development from within. IMHO it is the very
antithesis of theism.

I grant that "evolution" may obtain a purely technical meaning within
science, but some within science (eg. Gould, Dawkins, etc), take it
with the prestige of science, use it to push their own anti-theistic
metaphysical barrow.

I still maintain that "Theistic Evolution" is an oxymoron. Much better

Biblically IMHO is a term that has "creation" in it, ie. Progressive

God bless.

| Stephen Jones | ,--_|\ | |
| Perth | / Oz \ | |
| Australia | -> *_,--\_/ | phone +61 9 448 7439 |
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