Re: Panderichthyids and trans...
Thu, 29 Jun 1995 21:35:55 -0400

Kevin Wirth wrote in response to Andrew MacRae::

you are focused on the data! Like Glenn, you've been baited and switched;
hornswaggled. You've been led to THINK that your beliefs are based on the
evidence, but in fact, they are NOT! Please, PLEASE -- do yourself a favor.
Go read 25 articles from reputable evolutionary periodicals(this a real
assignment!)and highlight all the times conditional language is used (i.e.,
*most experts agree that*, *there is little doubt that this means*, etc.
etc.)to support the contention that the data is "evolutionary". Report back
to us what you find. I'll do the same.<


I think you ought to know that Andrew is a palynologist, a very specialized
type of paleontologist. He is, I believe, working on a Ph. D. in invertebrate
paleontology(?). Anyway whatever his dissertation, I would imagine that he
has already read his allotted 25 articles from evolutionary journals. Maybe
you could excuse him from this assignment.
