Re: Mesonychids to Whales

Jim Bell (
26 Jun 95 16:12:58 EDT

At the end of Ashby Camp's marvelous post, he writes:

<<Food for thought, I hope.>>

A feast, Ashby! Well done.

For those of us who have not had a chance to get to a good library, you have
performed a wonderful service with your exact citations. I thank Kevin Wirth
and Stephen Jones in this regard as well. Glenn, too, has made sure to include

Armed with all of the recent posts some good research times lurk ahead.

But you have provided more than enough evidence from the literature to show
that a firm conclusion about a supposed "whale transition" is something that
simply cannot be supported. Massive problems remain.

The burden of proof, in other words, has not been carried. By a long shot.
