Re: One last chance

Bill Hamilton (
Tue, 20 Jun 1995 12:30:00 -0500

Russell T. Arndts writes

>I am again meeting with my home school parents this evening. It seems to
>me that someone should write a book with a Theistic evolutionary base.
>I told my home school parents that the theistic evolutionists have the same
>assumptions as the atheists do so their beliefs about the **events** of
>history are the same as the atheists (Perhaps, they sprinkle God in the
>story in some why that offends no one.).

I am a Christian who accepts the conventional estimates of the age of the
earth (4.5 billion years) and who does not have a problem with a strictly
scientific theory of evolution.

That puts me in conflict with some of my evangelical brothers and sisters.
But this conflict is trivial compared to the difference between my position
and that of the atheist.

My disagreement with my fellow Christians is over the means and methods God
uses to accomplish His purposes.

My disagreement with the atheist is over whether God exists at all.

Like the rest of my Christian brothers and sisters, I believe that not only
did God create the heavens and the earth in the beginning, but that He is
actively and deeply involved with His creation at every moment. In fact it
is my belief that if He were not active in the oversight and governance of
His creation, then creation would cease to function.

_Please_ don't distort the position of your fellow Christians who happen to
accept an old earth and/or evolution.

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX)